Research Institutions and laboratories
The Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Education Ministry

The Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Ministry of Education was founded in December 1985 and renamed in 2009, early known as the Education Ministry Key Laboratory for Structural Engineering and Vibration. The laboratory integrates the related human and equipment resources of the Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University, including research institutes( Research Institute of Structural Engineering, Research Institute of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, Research Institute of Structure Mechanics, Research Institute of Construction Materials, Research Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, etc) and laboratories( Laboratory of Engineering Structure, Laboratory of Construction Material, etc).

The research area involves safety of engineering structures, disaster prevention and mitigation engineering, durability of concrete structures and materials, underground space utilization and foundations.

The Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Ministry of Education was opened internationally since 1986. Domestic and foreign experts/scholars are eligible to apply as a visiting scholar to conduct independent or collaborative researches in the Laboratory. The Laboratory also welcomes experts/scholars bringing their own funding and issues.

Presently, the Laboratory has 35 academic and technical staffs, including 2 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 18 professors, 8 associate professors and senior engineers.

Director of the laboratory: Prof. Nie Jianguo

Director of academic committee: Prof. Chen Zhaoyuan

The laboratory has a building area of 4400m², including 3 structural experimental halls and a laboratory of construction material.

Institute of Building Materials


The institute of building materials is involved in teaching and researching on organic and inorganic building materials and their engineering applications. The relevant research fields include high performance concrete, fiber-reinforced cement-based materials, durability design and long-term performance, new cementitious materials, construction chemicals and polymers as well as recycling of industrial wastes. The institute undertakes R&D works on high strength concrete, fibered reinforced concrete, light-weight concrete, high-volume mineral admixture concrete, cement-asphalt composites as well as chemical admixtures. The obtained research results have been applied to such large-scale infrastructures as Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway works, Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau sea link project and the Shenzhen Financial Center. 

The institute is also involved in the technical writing of several national design codes and standards. Both fundamental and applied research are carried out and the institute has a wide international collaboration with foreign organizations. The staff of the institute is composed of 4 full professors, 3 associate professors as well as 2 senior engineers and 1 engineer in the laboratory.

Fig.1. Group photo of members in institute of building materials

Research Interests

The institute of building materials provides advanced and full-scale research plats to the researchers on cementations materials, including polymer synthesis and characterization plat, cement hydration and microstructure characterization plat, rheological properties measurement plat, mechanical properties measurement plat, permeability and durability evaluation plat, shrinkage and cracking behavior measurement plat, electrochemistry station. All of these plats strongly support the researching, teaching and testing works in the institute. The specific research topics are as follows:  

l  High perance concrete

l  Durability of building materials

l  Material chemistry and fracture mechanics

l  Basic theory and application of solid waste

l  Fiber reinforced cement based composite materials

l  Chemical admixtures of concrete

l  Workability and rheological properties of fresh concrete and mortar

l  Pavement materials and structure

l  Modelling on the structure and property of building materials

Research Outcomes and Awards

A lot of research results have been published in top international journals and achieve the practical applications, such as in Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway projects, Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau sea link project and the Shenzhen Financial Center and so on. Besides, the institute is also involved in the technical writing of several national design codes and standards. Until now, the institute has undertaken dozens of research projects and obtained the science and technology awards above ministerial level more than ten times, including three second award of national prize for Progress in Science and Technology.

Fig.2. C100 self-compacting concrete used in Shenzhen Financial Center

Fig.3. Durability of concrete (a) Durability design for Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau sea link project; (b) In-situ durability testing on concrete

Team Member

Prof. Yan Peiyu

Research field: Composition-structure-perance relationship of composite cement; High perance concrete; Durability of concrete

Phone: 010-62785836
Fax: 010-62785836

Prof. Zhang Jun

Research field: Fracture mechanics of cementitious materials; High perance concrete; Fiber reinforced cement based composite materials

Phone: 010-62797422
Fax: 010-62797422

Prof. Lu Xinying

Research field: Durability of building materials; Basic theory and application of solid waste; Modelling on the structure and property of building material

Phone: +86-10-62797702

Prof. Li Kefei

Research field: Physical and mechanical process of materials with high porosity; Durability of building materials and structure; Life cycle theory and its application

Phone: 010-6278 1408
Fax: 010-6278 1408

Associate Prof. Kong Xiangming

Research field: Construction polymer and chemistry, including:

Synthesis, properties and application of water soluble polymer and polymer dispersion

Chemical admixtures for concrete

Organic cement chemistry

Concrete intelligent detection and self-healing

Phone: 010-62783703
Fax: 010-62785836

Associate Prof. Wei Ya

Research field: Creep of cementitious materials; Long-life pavement materials and structure; Sustainable development functional pavement and structure materials

Phone: 010-62771646
Fax: 010-62785836

Associate Prof. Wang Qiang

Research field: Application of industrial waste in cementitious materials; Theory and techniques of modern concrete

Phone: 010-62773097
Fax: 010-62785836

Institute for Underground Engineering


The Institute for Underground Engineering, that was founded in 1960s, has been responsible for teaching, research and provision of services across the entire spectrum of soil and rock mechanics through to geotechnical engineering, geo-energy engineering and environmental geotechnics. The institute currently consists of eight faculties, including 1 professor, 5 associate professors, and 2 assistant professors. There are about 30 postgraduate (PhD or Mater) students and post-doctoral researchers.

The Institute strives for excellence in underground engineering for sustainable development of urban infrastructure, and has been awarded a number of high-profile research grants, i.e., the National Nature Science Foundation of China, State High-Tech Development Plan (863 Program), State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (973 Program), Tsinghua-MIT-Cambridge University Alliance Seed Funding Project, EU-FR7 Marie Currie International Researcher Exchange Scheme and many other state-level funding sources. The Institute has also built close links with Chinese construction industry. The Technical Committee of Deep Excavation, which is a branch of Architectural Society of China, is based in our institute.

The staff members are responsible for teaching a variety of courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Some current research areas and courses are listed as below. Please feel free to contact us for further ination.

Research Interests

·           Soil dynamics and soil-structure interaction

·           Numerical and physical (centrifuge) modeling

·           Foundations and embankments

·           Geotechnical disaster mitigation

·           Geo-synthetic reinforced soil structures

·           Ground improvement with biotechnology

·           Geothermal Energy

·           Rock mechanics and engineering behaviors

·           Planning of urban underground space

·           Investigation and evaluation of underground space recourses

Research Outcomes and Awards

The faculty members have received 9 awards of National/ Provincial Science and Technology Awards.

Team Member

l  Full Professor:

Er-xiang Song

l  Associate Professor:

Xiaohui Cheng

Hongxian Guo

Ming Xu

Jun Yang

l  Assistant Professor:

Peng Li

Zhihong Zhao

l  Senior Engineer

Wenjun Zhu


      Group Head: Xiaohui Cheng (

Structural Mechanics Division


The Structural mechanics division was founded in 1952. This division mainly conducts teaching and research work on structural mechanics. It paid much attention on writing textbooks of structural mechanics, and the textbook “Structural Mechanics” is the most popular textbook for students majoring in Civil Engineering in China. The division has been long taking charge of Steering Committee of Education Ministry for teaching of Structural Mechanics. The teaching and research work of this division has won many national honors. The course “Structural Mechanics” has been the first-level course and the top-quality course at Tsinghua University for many years, and is the national top-quality course as well. The teaching team won the National Distinguished Teaching Team Award.

This division has 6 faculty members including 3 professors, 2 associate professors and 1 lecturer; among them there are 1 member of National Engineering Academy, 1 National Outstanding Teacher and 1 “Yangtse River” professor appointed by the Education Ministry. This division offers admission to Master students and PhD students.

Research Interests

New type finite element, Generalized coning element

Theory of quadrilateral area coordinates and its applications

Superconvergent recovery and adaptive solution for finite element method

The exact method for structural free vibration and elastic stability

The weak  quadrature element method and its applications

Geometrically exact models and nonlinear structural analysis

Goal-oriented error estimation and adaptively for the finite element method

Strict bounds of quantities of interest in structural analysis

Model Reduction methods for parameterized structural analysis and applications

Structural reliability and safety assessment

Risk-oriented community resilience assessment subjected to natural hazards

Reliability-based durability design and assessment of concrete structures

Research Outcomes and Awards

The theory of generalized coning and its elements

The theory of quadrilateral area coordinates and its elements

The superconvergent recovery method based on element energy projection technique

The guided and guarded Newton method for transcendental Eigen problems

The finite element method of lines and its applications

The development and application of the weak  quadrature element method

Theory of time-dependent reliability and its applications

Reliability-based durability design methodology and its application on HZM sea link project

Team Member

l  Full Professor:

Long, Yuqiu  Yuan, Si Zhong, Hongzhi

l  Associate Professor:

Ye, Kangsheng  Li, Quanwang

l  Assistant Professor:

             Xing, Qinyan


Yuan, Si

Zhong, Hongzhi

Ye, Kangsheng

Li, Quanwang

Xing, Qinyan

Institute of Transportation Engineering


In order to promote the development of transportation engineering, the Department of Civil Engineering (CE) in Tsinghua University established the Urban Transportation Teaching and Research Division in 1986. The Institute of Transportation Engineering (ITE) was founded and later promoted to a university-level research institute in 1995. A sub-center of the National Highway Transportation Management and Engineering Technology Research Center was established, which belongs to the Ministry of Public Security In 2008.

Research Interests

Since 1995, ITE has conducted hundreds of projects sponsored by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, the national Key Technologies R&D Program, the 863 plan, the National Development and Re Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transportation, the Beijing Municipal Government and so on. The research projects cover a wide range of issues in the engineering and management of transportation system, such as transportation planning and management, traffic ination and control, road and railway engineering, transportation strategy, railway system, traffic control and induction, intelligent transportation systems and urban sustainable transportation.

Research Outcomes and Awards

ITE has published a number of books in the past several years, such as Urban Road System Coding Method and Its Application, Urban Road Traffic Forecasting System Research and Application, Urban Road Mixed Traffic Flow Analysis Model and Method, Sustainable Urban Mobility in Rapid Urbanization-Theory and Practice in China, Urban Road Transportation Management, Civil Engineering Planning, Theory and Method in Transportation Planning, Theoretical Research Frontiers in Transportation Planning, Case Studies in Urban Transportation Planning, Exercises and Solutions of Transportation Planning, Introduction of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Modern Management of Urban Transportation, Integrated Transportation Hub Planning, Research and Practice of Urban Rail Transit Planning, Intelligent Shipping Systems, Urban Transportation Analysis, and Urban Transportation Management and Assessment System. ITE also translated and published several books, such as Transportation Engineering.  ITE has published more than 300 research papers in both Chinese and international magazines and conferences, and has won more than 10 awards.

Team Member

ITE currently have nine professional researchers including 3 Professors, 6 Associate Professors.

l  Full Professor:

Lu Huapu

Wu Jianping

Shi Jing

Zhang Chonghou

l  Associate Professor:

Yang Xinmiao

Guo Runhua

Li Ruimin

Li Meng

Ye Zhenxiang



Institution of Geomatics


Institution of Geomatics is an academic and research institution, which concentrates on theoretical studies and technology applications of Geodesy and Survey Engineering, Satellite Navigation and Positioning (GNSS), Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical ination system (GIS). It is a permanent council or council unit of Chinese Society of Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography (CSGPC), GNSS and LBS Association of China (GLAC), China Association for Geographic Ination Society (CAGIS), China Association of Remote Sensing Application (CARSA). The institution has 5 full-time faculty members, who are responsible for 7 courses for ungraduated students and 5 courses for graduate students, among which the curriculum Surveying specially for students majored in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Water Conservation and Environmental Engineering is one of the first-class curriculum, as well as the school-level excellent course currently.

Research Orientation

Mainly involved in: Geodesy and Survey Engineering, Satellite Navigation and Positioning (GNSS), Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical ination system (GIS), technology and application of the integration of GNSS, RS and GIS, technology and application of modern Surveying.

Research Results

The institution have published more than 20 textbooks, reference books and scientific publications, and accomplished more than 30 country-level research projects, among which 3 are awarded National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, 13 are honored provincial-level Prize for Progress in Science and Technology.

Honor certification of National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology

Honored as Unit for Outstanding Contributions by GNSS and LBS Association of China (GLAC)

Testing ride perance on High Speed Rail with GNSS technology

Indoor Navigation System in shopping mall

Traffic Accident Scene Plotting System and Virtual 3D Scene Reconstruction software

Post-earthquake Critical Transportation Emergency Dispatch System and its application in 2013 Ya’an earthquake

3D photogrammetry research (3D point cloud of Sundial in Tsinghua


Zhao Hongrui      Professor

Bai zhengdong    Associate Professor

Liu zhao             Associate Professor

Bai Tao              Senior

Zhang Yufang     Senior Engineer

Contact Us


Institute of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering (IDPME)


The research work of the sub-discipline of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering at Tsinghua University was initiated in the middle of the 20th century. Significantly creative contributions to the economic and social development of China have been made by this sub-discipline in its more than 50 years of history, covering explosion protection, earthquake engineering, fire protection engineering, and construction ination technology. The faculties in the related areas ed the Institute of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering (IDPME) when the School of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University was established in 2000.

In the 1960s, the research team of this sub-discipline supported the action of national design codes for subways and civil air defense constructions, and served the corresponding practical applications remarkably. In the 1970s, the Laboratory of Earthquake and Blast Prevention Engineering was set up, featuring the first generation of shaking-table test facilities in China. With these facilities, large numbers of experiments were prepared to study the seismic behavior of structural members and systems. Major research challenges undertaken in the 1980s covered most structural hazards such as earthquake, fire, blast, etc. In the 1990s, the research team played an important role in the activities of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR). During this period, researchers such as Prof. Zhaoyuan Chen, Prof. Jumin Shen, Prof. Dan Chen, Prof. Jianjing Jiang and Prof. Zhenhai Guo established remarkable reputation nationwide because of their tremendous contributions to the development of disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protective engineering in China. In 1986, the discipline of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering and Protective Engineering was authorized to initiate a doctoral program. In 1988, in conjunction with the discipline of Structural Engineering, it was promoted by the Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE) to be a key discipline of the ministry. Currently, it is a sub-discipline of the Civil Engineering discipline at Tsinghua University, which is a national first-class key discipline.

The institute has 10 full-time faculty members and 1 staff dedicated to the research and education of disaster prevention and mitigation engineering, including winner of the Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Beijing Prominent Educator, the Trans-Century Training Program Foundation for the Talents sponsored by MOE, winner of the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University sponsored by MOE, etc.

Two new laboratories, the Laboratory of Digital Disaster Mitigation and Virtual Engineering and the CAD/CAE Teaching Laboratory, have been established and become the branch laboratories of the National Mechanics Practical Teaching Demonstration Center. Because of its continuing work over several decades, the IDPME now possesses the primary attributes of a world-class institute: excellent researchers, advanced facilities, innovative academic achievements, and unique research interests.

Research Interests

The IDPME pers extensive researches on earthquake engineering, fire engineering, protective engineering and ination technology in construction, with particular expertise on:

1. Seismic design of tall buildings, seismic resilient structural systems and components, urban earthquake disaster simulation.

2. Fire perance of steel-concrete composited and mixed structures.

3. Life-cycle structural perance of innovate concrete-filled steel tubes and structural perance under extreme loads.

4. Development and application of building ination modeling (BIM).

Many of the researches have active interaction with related disciplines such as structural engineering, geotechnical engineering and computer science. The research efforts are noted as world class in the recent international discipline review.

Research Outcomes and Awards

The IPDME played an important role in the development of civil engineering in China. They have provided higher level consulting advice and certification for major national manufacturing and infrastructure companies and for forensic/expert witness purposes for many of leading legal practices. The research outcomes have ed the bases for a number of important design codes and standards, such as Chinese national seismic codes, the code for structural fire resistance and the disaster planning standards, unified standard for building ination model application, etc., which have been applied to many landmark engineering projects. The IDPME have won several Science and Technology Progress Awards and Natural Science Awards in the national, provincial or ministerial levels. As one of the supporting units for the earthquake sub-division of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, China, the IPDME participated in the emergency evaluation and post-disaster reconstruction in recent major earthquakes.

A large number of papers have been published on peer-reviewed international journals by IPDME. International conferences and forums were also constantly held to improve the communication with international experts. The members of the IPDME are member of the editorial boards of most of the leading journals in their field.

Study on the Fire resistance of structures: Components-Joints-Structural Systems

Scenario simulation and seismic damage prediction of Beijing CBD subjected to the 1679 Sanhe-Pinggu M8.0 Earthquake

Team Members

l  Full Professor:

Linhai HAN, Jianping ZHANG, Jingbo LIU, Zhiliang MA, Cong DONG, Xinzheng LU

l  Associate Professor:

Xiaodong JI, Zhenzhong HU

l  Assistant Professor:

Wei LI

l  Senior Engineer



Phone: 86-10-62793001

Fax: 86-10-62793001


Mailing Address:

IDPME Director

Prof. Xinzheng LU

Research Institute of Structural Engineering


The Research Institute of Structural Engineering (RISE) at Tsinghua University was founded in 1956. The team at RISE is made up of 18 academic and technical staff at the moment, including 11 full professors, two associate professors, one assistant professor, two senior engineers and two engineers. Among the professors, two are Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one has been awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and four received the Excellent Young Scientists Fund. In addition, there are 20 postdocs and research associates and 100 postgraduate students.

RISE runs a series of specialised courses for either undergraduates or postgraduates majoring in civil engineering, including “Concrete Structures”, “Steel Structures”, “Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete”, “High-Rise Building Structures”, “Analysis of Structural Failure Incidents”, “Fracture and Fatigue Analysis of Steel Structures”, “Theory and Application of Steel Structure Stability”, “Fire-resistant Behaviour and Calculation of Concrete Structures”, “Earthquake Resistance and Energy Dissipation Structures”, “Introduction of Earthquake Engineering”, “Principle of Reinforced Concrete”, etc.

Ideally located at RISE, the Laboratory of Engineering Structures is a principal part of the Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Ministry of Education. The Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art servo-controlled hydraulic actuators as well as world-class testing machines and measurement systems. It maintains a capacity for undertaking dynamic/static model tests and field tests of various engineering structures. Particularly, with the newly built 20,000 kN multi-functional loading system, various three-dimensional loading tests of complex full/large-scale structures is able to be carried out.

Research Interests

○         Concrete structures

○         Steel structures

○         Composite structures of steel and concrete

○         High-rise building structures

○         Seismic behaviour of engineering structures

○         Steel structures of light-weight buildings

○         Large-span steel structures

○         High-strength and high-perance steel structures

○         Bridge structures

○         FRP structures

○         Glass buildings

○         Durability of concrete structures

○         Dynamic/static field tests of various engineering structures

○         Inspection assessment and retrofitting technology of structures

○         Structural test technologies

Research Outcomes and Awards

Since 2010, one National Award for Technological Invention (1st Prize), four National Science and Technology Progress Awards (2nd Prize), one National Natural Science award (2nd Prize) as well as other provincial/ministerial science and technology advancement awards have been granted.

The research outcomes have been applied to many important projects. The RISE team are also involved in codification of many national standards.


l  Full Professor:

Prof. Zhaoyuan Chen

Prof. Jianguo Nie

Prof. Yongjiu Shi

Prof. Yanlin Guo

Prof. Xudong Shi

Prof. Lieping Ye

Prof. Yuanqing Wang

Prof. Jiansheng Fan

Prof. Peng Feng

Prof. Peng Pan

Prof. Gang Shi

l  Associate Professor:

A/Prof. Zuozhou Zhao

A/Prof. Muxuan Tao

l  Assistant Professor:

Dr. Huiyong Ban

l  Senior Engineer

Mr. Tianshen Zhang

Mr. Zonggang Wang

l  Engineer

Mr. Tongle Jin

Mr. Yuanbin Han


Tel: +86-10-62783700

Fax: +86-10-62783700


Large-scale test of composite transfer structure of steel and concrete

Section model test on composite girder of cable-stayed bridge

FRP woven web structure test

Seismic test on RC frame rocking wall structures